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Therapist helping child walk in a supportive gait trainer.


  • Where are your therapy services located?
    We provide home-based occupational, physical and speech therapy services for the pediatric population in San Diego County. Our therapists set their own schedule and service area, so please check with to determine if we have the availability to see your child.
  • Do you accept insurance?
    We are currently vendored with San Diego Regional Center for children 0-3 years of age and are an Out of Network Provider for Tricare. We also accept cash pay services (*view our services in the 'Book a Consultation' section). We are unable to accept any other insurances at this time.
  • I have a denial for a piece of equipment for my child. Would APPT be able to help?
    Possibly. The best course of action would be to email and explain where you are in the process. A phone call can always be set up if further information is needed. APPT can help find other means of funding or assist in the appeals process. Sometimes an appeal can be effective if certain extra justification from a therapist is provided or if the specific reason for the denial can be identified
  • My child that is under 3 is a client of San Diego Regional Center, but does not get therapy through APPT. Can we still utilize your services?
    Yes, but your child has to be a 'Status 2' Client with SDRC. This means they have a lifelong diagnosis that impacts their cognition and/or physical abilities (Down Syndrome, Cri du Chat, Cerebral Palsy, Arthrogryposis, etc.) If your child already has been determined to be 'Status 2' with SDRC, you can request a DME eval with your service coordinator. Our vendor number is: PY2779.
  • My 18 year old daughter needs a complex wheelchair. Is APPT able to help with that process?
    Yes, we have a team of very experienced therapists with a background in complex medical seating. We have worked with most DME vendors in San Diego County to create custom seating systems for all types of complex seating needs. If your daughter is a client of San Diego Regional Center, make a request through your service coordinator and request an evaluation from APPT. Our vendor number is PY2779.
  • We have newly accessed Self-Determination funding through SDRC. Would you be able to utilize those funds for a DME evaluation?
    Yes, we have worked with many Self-Determination clients. Please discuss your needs with your Independent Facilitator and have them contact to begin the process.
  • How can I utilize my Tricare insurance for therapy services for my child with APPT?
    In order to ensure that we have the appropriate therapist with availability to take your case, please email: and let them know your home zip code and availability to schedule. If we have the availability, then please contact your Primary Care provider and request an authorization using: NPI 1922725662 The referral and auth number can be faxed to: (858)987-8653. Once received, we can schedule services!
  • Can we utilize TriCare Insurance for a DME evaluation for my child?
    Yes, you can. This will require a consultation first to determine if specialized durable medical equipment is needed.

Services provided in San Diego County.

©2020 by Abilities Pediatric Physical Therapy, PC. 

PH: (858) 848 - 9917

FAX: (858) 987 - 8653

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